For Agriculture

  • Millions of Malawian farmers barely manage to subsist despite their hard work and back-breaking labour. Their struggles are mainly due to un-realized productivity resulting from a lack of proper irrigation, fertilization and modern crop cultivation techniques.
  • Food Security in Malawi will continue to be a mirage until the focus shifts to solar powered water pumping and drip irrigation, including mechanization with more accessible markets for their produce.
  • Together, we work with communities to set up practical and sustainable water projects that meet their needs.
  • Technology is playing an increasingly important role in farming, irrigation and water management. Today, 70% of the worlds fresh water withdrawal is going to agriculture, and almost 80% of this water is being used to irrigate by flooding the fields.
  • Moving from flood irrigation to more advanced, methods such as micro or drip irrigation will enable farmers to save more than 50% of the water and to produce much more food.

    A recent study in India reported that 45% of farmers using off-grid solar water pumps saw an increase of 50% or more in their annual incomes compared to rain-fed irrigation. it`s a universal approach because past studies have also shown that drip irrigation can increase yield up to 80-100% and if applied with fertilizers, yields can be increased up to 150%.

  • To ensure sustainability we use technologies that are low-cost, appropriate to the needs of rural communities, and can be easily maintained.
  • Precision agriculture and mechanization are game changers and more effort should be put into making these technologies more accessible and affordable. Solar water pumps, drip irrigation systems and other advanced tools can make a difference in farmer productivity and should be in the hands of more farmers.
  • The increase in production costs arising from the installation of drip irrigation can be met by the increased income from increased yields and more yield cycles per year, thus making production under drip-irrigation cost effective. Drip irrigation will also ensure that every farmer has three (3) crop-cycles every year.


Pivot Irrigation, also known as water-wheel or circle Irrigation; is a method of crop irrigation, where the equipment rotates. These come as small as sprinklers, used in gardens, golf courses and other fields to as big as water-wheels used in estates and commercial farming operations.


Irrigation Piping Systems are used to irrigate agricultural crops, lawns, landscapes, golf courses and other green fields/areas. They can also be used for cooling and controlling airborne dust. we supply all the necessary materials to install a system like this.


Our Drip Irrigation Systems consist of high quality, virgin-material, lateral pipes & drippers. Drip irrigation has the potential to conserve water and nutrients by allowing uniform and targeted water distribution. Drip Irrigation systems have proved to be very efficient and cost effective in the agricultural sector today.


Mechanized agriculture is the use of machinery to perform agricultural operations. We can supply Tractors, Disc Ploughs, Harrows, Ridgers, Trailers, Seeding Equipment and a wide range of harvesting machineries for all crop types and topographical challenges.


Farmers only manage one or two harvests per year through rain-fed agriculture. We provide long-term and sustainable solutions to farmers by pushing for water harvesting to pause water scarcity. Farmers are able to farm all-year-round through irigation, hence reducing both food shortages and poverty.


Greenhouse farming is the unique farm practice of growing crops within sheltered structures covered by a transparent, or partially transparent, material. The main purpose of greenhouses is to provide favorable growing conditions and to protect crops from unfavorable weather and various pests.


Our top-of-the-line machineries for the processing of agricultural commodities are the perfect solutions for small, medium and large agri-business operations. Crafted from high-quality materials and built to last, our processing machines are suitable for maize and rice milling, multi-crop threshing, grinding and animal feed pelletezing.